African Americans, Racial Injustice, and the Environment: 上下文 and 资源


Environmental scholars often tell the story of the American landscape from a white, 中产阶级的角度, 将标志性景观描述For原始荒野, 未被人类接触过. But to African Americans, the American landscape has often been a site of oppression and violence.

不过, African Americans have Forged meaningful relationships with the land, fighting to liberate it from oppression and restore it to health and wholeness. The following resources will help you understand this rich tradition, 环境正义运动的根源.


黛安·格雷夫和马克·斯托尔主编. To Love the Wind and the Rain: African Americans and Environmental History (大学. (匹兹堡出版社2006)

金伯利K. 史密斯, 非裔美国人环境思想:基础 (堪萨斯大学出版社,2007)

斯科特•Giltner Hunting and Fishing in the New South: Black Labor and White Leisure After the Civil War (约翰霍普金斯大学出版社,2008)

金伯利N. 鲁芬, 《地球上的黑人:非裔美国人的生态文学传统 (佐治亚大学出版社,2010)

卡洛琳·芬尼 Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimaging the Relationship of African American to the Great Outdoors (北卡罗来纳大学出版社,2014)

Marion Nestle, Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health (加州饮食文化研究出版社2013)

Kosek杰克, 下层植被:新墨西哥北部森林的政治生活 (杜克大学出版社,2006)


Alice Walker has written a great deal about her relationship to the natural world as an African American woman. 有用的文章包括:

  • “The Black Writer and the Southern Experience,” “Choice: A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.,“选择呆在家里。,《GG电子官方软件下载》,“只有正义才能阻止诅咒。,和“核疯狂”,全力以赴 寻找我们母亲的花园 (纽约:Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1983);
  • 我是蓝色的吗??“渴望老去。,《GG电子手机版下载》,“巴厘鸡For什么要过马路??和“宇宙回应”,都在里面 活在神的话语里 (纽约:Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1988).



One of the more persistent stereotypes about indigenous people is that they are “closer to nature” and thereFore their traditional practices have a uniFormly benign ecological impact. That stereotype has been challenged, most prominently by Shepherd Krech in his 1999 book 生态印第安人, Krech argued that Native Americans did not understand ecological relationships and often had a harmful impact. 除了, some Native American scholars such as Vine Deloria Jr have criticized the Western scientific tradition (see 红土,善意的谎言 (1995)). Both views have tended to create distance between Native Americans and the natural sciences as taught in American colleges and universities.

Today this debate is evolving into a more nuanced exploration of how indigenous people have traditionally understood and managed the natural environment, 在持续冲突的背景下, violence and displacement—as well as the role that allegedly objective, “value-free” scientific practices have played in that displacement. 我们环境研究项目接受这种探索. These are resources we’ve found helpful in understanding Native American experiences and perspectives on Western scientific traditions and For bringing those experiences and perspectives more prominently into the environmental studies classroom.

For了使这个列表尽可能有用, we have included additional resources that speak to other traditions and/or help us to connect our disciplines to these conversations.


罗宾·沃尔·基默尔, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants (乳草出版社,2013)

R.W. Kimmerer (2002). “Weaving Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Biological Education: A Call to Action.《GG电子官方软件下载》,52页.

马克·道伊 保护难民: The Hundred-Year Conflict between Global Conservation and Native Peoples; 保护难民, Orion Magazine

  • How native people—from the Miwoks of Yosemite to the Maasai of eastern Africa—have been displaced from their lands in the name of conservation.

格温•威斯特 & Bruce White, Mni Sota Makoce: The Land of the Dakota (Minnesota Historical Society Press 2012).

  • 讲述明尼苏达州东南部达科他人的历史, including a wealth of stories about the meaning of specific places, useful discussions of how the Dakota people related and relate to the land and to the European-descended settler community.

D. Veton。”Margaret Hiza Redsteer uses Navajo memories to track climate change.《GG电子官方软件下载》(2012年4月4日).

  • Redsteer, a member of the Crow tribe, is a geologist and climate scientist. This article explains how she draws on the Navajo community’s oral traditions to understand how the land and climate are changing.

上的资源 美洲原住民科学课程.

  • 这个网站是由堪萨斯大学的教师开发的, 北亚利桑那大学, 阿拉斯加安克雷奇大学, 和新墨西哥大学. 该项目由美国国家科学基金会资助


  • Who lived on this land and what language was spoken here beFore European settlement? 哪些条约与这片土地有关? This website is a good place to start exploring those complicated questions.

C.C. 马孔多和D.S.G.托马斯(Thomas) (2018). “Climate change adaptation: linking indigenous knowledge with western science For effective adaptation.环境科学与政策,88,83-91.

J. 牧师和A. 贝拉尔迪国际(2016). “连接土著知识和科学知识.《GG电子官方软件下载》,352,1274-1275.

伊丽莎白·胡佛 Fires Were Lit Inside Them: The Pyropolitics of Water Protector Camps at Standing Rock (《GG电子官方软件下载》2019年第12卷第1期:11-34)



This is one of the longest continually operating Native American organizations in the Twin Cities. Its mission is to restore health and wellbeing to the Native American community by recovery of knowledge of and access to healthy indigenous food, 药物, 和lifeways. 例如, it provides educational programs that reconnect the urban Native American community with traditional Native plants and their culinary, 医药和精神用途.


位于大学的St. 保罗的校园, the Native American Medicine Gardens are run by Native caretakers in the Native American tradition. Visitors to the Gardens are free to take edible and medicinal plants For personal use, with the intention that they reflect upon the true sources of their own food and the importance of food sovereignty.

文章由Madeline Giefer撰写. 10, 2014). 参见梅丽莎·莱特, 了解UMN美洲原住民医药园,亨内平县园艺大师网站.